Position: Aspirational Blocks Fellow
Organization: NITIAyog
Location: Madhya Pradesh
Educational and Other Qualifications:
1. आवेदक का ककसी भी ववषय में स्नािकोत्तर (postgraduate) होना अतनवायय है। (1. The applicant must have a postgraduate degree in any subject.) - This means that the applicant must have completed a master's degree in any field of study.
2. आवेदक की आय ु 1 िनवरी 2024 को न्यूनिम 21 वषय िथा अधिकिम 35 वषय होना चाहहए। (2. The applicant must be at least 21 years old and not more than 35 years old as on January 1, 2024.) - This means that the applicant must be born on or before January 1, 2003 and on or after January 1, 1989.
3. आवेदक को डाटा ववश्िेषण एवं प्रस्िुिी कौशि (data analysis and presentation skills) में तनप ु ण िथा प्रोिेतट मेनेिमेंट (project management) में दक्ष होना चाहहए। (3. The applicant should be proficient in data analysis and presentation skills and project management.) - This means that the applicant should be able to collect, analyze, and interpret data, as well as develop and manage projects.
4. आवेदक को सोशि मीडडया के उपयोग से पूणय पररधचि होना चाहहए। (4. The applicant should be fully familiar with the use of social media.) - This means that the applicant should be able to use social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to communicate and share information.
5. आवेदक को ववकास संगठन (development organizations) के साथ कायय / इंटनयलशप का अन ु भव िथा communication skills में दक्ष होना चाहहए। (5. The applicant should have experience of working/interning with development organizations and be proficient in communication skills.) - This means that the applicant should have experience working with or interning at organizations that work to improve the lives of people in developing countries. The applicant should also be able to communicate effectively both orally and in writing.
6. आवेदक को संबंधिि ववकासखण्ड का स्थानीय बोिी का ज्ञान होना चाहहए एवं आवेदक को हहन्दी, अंग्रेिी (English) बोिना एवं लिखने की दक्षिा होना चाहहए। (6. The applicant should have knowledge of the local dialect of the respective development block and should be proficient in speaking and writing Hindi and English.) - This means that the applicant should be able to speak and understand the local dialect of the development block in which they will be working. The applicant should also be proficient in speaking and writing Hindi and English.
7. Development/ Rural Stream में उच्च लशक्षा प्राप्ि अभ्यथी को प्राथलमकिा दी िावेगी| (7. Preference will be given to candidates with higher education in Development/Rural Stream.) - This means that candidates who have a higher education in the field of development or rural studies will be given preference.
Skill Mitra
MANTRA Social Services