Position: Consultant-Lab
Organization: National Health Systems Resource Centre (NHSRC)
Location: Delhi
Apply: http://nhsrcindia.org
Age: Upto 45 years as on last date for receiving application according to the advertisement
Remuneration: Rs. 60,000-1,20,000/- (Rupees sixty thousand to one lakh twenty thousand per month)
Roles and Responsibilities:
• Provide technical assistance for implementation of the ‘National Viral Hepatitis Control Program’ and its goals at centre, and in states, as may be agreed upon from time to time.
• To assist the focal person for managing lab services at various levels under the initiative
• Ensure implementation of Standard Operating procedures, Biomedical-Waste Management and Bio-safety guidelines and implementation of Internal Quality Control and participation in External Quality Assessment Scheme (EQAS) in all laboratories under the initiative.
• Supervise through on site visits and provide technical support for strengthening of state and District Laboratories under the initiative;
• Ensure timely submission of reports on laboratory tests carried out in state and district laboratories to the NVHMU
• Regular monitoring of the functioning of District Laboratories and State referral lab network under the initiative and coordinate with IDSP for the same;
• Willingness to travel to states & districts to provide technical assistance & ability to work on different assignments simultaneously to meet the timelines for assignments.
• Participate in epidemic/outbreak investigation as member of Rapid Response Team (RRT) for viral hepatitis as and when required and provide support for sample collection and transport of specimens.
• Undertake review of literature and stay up-to-date on current trends in health systems strengthening with regard to the initiative for prevention and control of viral hepatitis.
• Collect and analyze state and national data on components of the initiative on regular basis.
• Responsible for Program Implementation Plan of States (PIP) state PIP-through coordinating and incorporating inputs for the initiative.
• Budgeting and financial planning for the program • Building capacities at district and state level under the initiative.
• Facilitate all work related to EQAS periodically
• Developstudy/evaluationprotocols/guidelinesandundertakeand/orguideresearchstudiesasneeded.
Jubayer Masud Educational & Charitable Trust