Apni Shala Foundation is a young and vibrant organisation having its roots in the Tata Institute of Social Sciences. The organisation has been working towards building social and emotional (SEL) competencies among individuals to constructively engage with society and have a harmonious coexistence. Our mission is 3-fold:
● creating promotive and preventive mental health programs in partnership with schools
● offering professional development opportunities to teachers, educators and mental health professionals
● running a research-based school that integrates academic and social and emotional competency development.
Apni Shala’s work is informed by Narrative Practices, Diversity & Inclusion, Constructivist Learning Theory, and Mindfulness. The programme creates SEL opportunities for students through a variety of media such as art, mindfulness, story-telling, audio-visuals, team building activities, games and drama.
Within a period of 8 years, Apni Shala has engaged more than 10,500 children in and around Mumbai and built programmes offering social-emotional learning opportunities to children over 40 schools and organisations. Our core programmes are aimed at engaging children, parents and teachers. Apni Shala is funded by institutional grants, individual donations and revenues through workshops.
WRI India
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