Bihar Rural Livelihoods Promotion Society (BRLPS) also known as JEEViKA is an autonomous Society under the Rural Development Department,
Government of Bihar with the objective of social and economic empowerment of the rural poor. JEEViKA is implementing various government programs and value chain intervention is one of them. Under value chain intervention, Seemanchal Jeevika Goat Producer Company Limited is been formed having Head quarter at Araria covering Purnia, Katihar and Kishanganj Districts.
POSITION NAME: Chief Executive(CE)
Eligibility Criteria:
CE-SJGPCL of the producer`s company should be a matured professional with passion to create value for the producers at the bottom of the pyramid and considers the Producer`s interest & stake as supreme. He/ She should be ready to take the hardships of working in rural areas to create value for producers.
Master’s degree or Post-Graduate or equivalent in the field of Veterinary Science/Animal Science/Agriculture/Business Management/Agribusiness
Management/Rural Management/ Rural Development/ Social Work Post qualification
Work experience:
exclusively in managing Livestock/Agriculture and other Agriallied business operation or community owned and managed producer business
enterprises as Farmers Producer Companies.
Total Experienced required: Minimum 7 years of post-qualification relevant experience.
Excellent written and verbal communications skills in English and Hindi
Maximum age limit will be 45 years
Job description/Responsibility:
CE will be responsible for productive relationship with the promoter at all time and provide all necessary data/information and progress report and
participate in internal and external review meetings and facilitate timely audits of the funds received. Some of the core responsibilities and tasks
of the CE are as follows:
• Creating business for the Goats Producers company and managing it successfully and profitably.
• Providing support for the functioning of the SJGPCL as per the guidelines/MOA &AOA of the Producer Company Develop Business Plan
and mobilizing resources for the Producer Company & Implement the same.
• Ensure increase in top line (business turnover) and bottom line (Net Profit) of the company.
• Explore and pursue opportunities to raise debt and other finance options to support operations of the company. Ensure company solvency,
credit recovery, on-time repayment of debt as well as operational and financial risk management.
•Manage company budgets, expenses analysis and cost control as well as key investment decision.
•Initiate to build up share capital of the Producer company by mobilizing more members to join SJGPCL.
•Conduct market research and building profitable market linkages.
•Increase the business line towards achieving sustainable growth of the organization and organically build on the existing relationship that producer company has with PGs (Producer Group).
•Integrating with technology and exploring alternatives for value additional of primary produce and secondary produces.
• To create convergence with line dept. and colleges for leveraging govt. scheme and other required support.
Apart from the roles, following are the routine task that will be required to be performed by the CE, as per the guideline of the Company Act,2013.
•Perform administrative acts of routine nature including managing the day-to-day affairs of the producer company.
•Sign MOUs for business related activities as may be authorized by the board for and on behalf of the Producer Company.
• Maintain proper books of accounts, prepare annual accounts, place the audited accounts before the Board and in the annual general meeting of
the Members.
•Furnish the members with periodic information to appraise them of the operation and functions of the Producer Company.
•Make appointment for the position in according with the power delegated to him or her by the board. Work review and appraisal of the key staff members.
•Assist the board in the formation of goal, objective, strategies, plan and policy. Advice the board with respect of legal and regulatory matters
concerning the proposed and ongoing activities and ongoing activities and necessary action in respect therefore.
•Oversees regulatory compliances such as Company registration, trade and qualities related compliances.
•Timely compilation of reports in MIS and generation of report for taking informed decision.
• Annual Work plan and SJGPCL Business plan preparation.
• Initiate SJGPCL Goat business and make it sustainable in a period of 3 years.
• Meet targets and tight deadlines as planned by the SJGPCL for its business.
•Motivating and mobilizing the team to achieve deadline and target in a professional manner.
•Share weekly, Fortnightly and Monthly Progress report to competent authority.
Remuneration Monthly:INR 75000-100000
Only shortlisted candidates will be called for Group Discussion and Personal Interview
Selection Process: Group Discussion followed by Personal Interview.
The incumbents are expected to bring with them their original educational qualification certificates and experience certificates
Last date for receiving application: 30th March 2021
Group Discussion and Personal Interview: 6th and 7th May 2021
How to Apply:
• Candidates should apply in prescribed format available in the following link:
• Candidates are requested to check the websites periodically for updates and other announcements.
• BRLPS reserves the right at its discretion to cancel this recruitment process, fully or partially, at any stage.
• Initially contract will be for a period of one year that may be extended further on the basis of the performance,requirement etc. of the project and approval of the Competent Authority.
• The selected candidates will become the employees of Seemanchal Jeevika Goat Producer Company Limited; they will not be the employee of the BRLPS. Hence, liabilities of such officials will lie with the Seemanchal Jeevika Goat Producer Company Limited.
• Place of posting of the hired person will be at the Head Quarter district of Seemanchal Jeevika Goat Producer Company Limited.
• Shortlisted candidates will be called for the next stage of the selection process i.e., GD and Personal Interview. List of shortlisted candidates will be published on
• Short listing will be based on Educational qualification and relevant experience.
• Number of vacancies may be changed without prior notice.
• Selection will be based on Education qualification experience, GD& personal interview only.
• Disclaimers: Mere eligibility does not guarantee a job. BRLPS reserves the right to cancel the candidature at any point of time if any discrepancy is found.
Centre for Public Policy Research (CPPR)
Integra Ventures