Epidemiology & Public Health System – Non communicable diseases
Medical Statistics
Data Science
Post Graduate students in fields of Medicine, public health, epidemiology, statistics, demography, data science, computer or information technology, social sciences, philosophy and ethics from a state or central Government, MCI/AICTE/UGC – recognized University/College/Institute.Undergraduate students may apply if it is part of the course curriculum and application will be reviewed on a case to case basis.
Two Months to Six Months.
Submit on online portal :
Fill the application form online
Upload necessary documents (Certificate, Mark sheet & concept note)
Students will be selected based on interview
Submit Recommendation letter from Head of institution.
Read through the Guidelines on Internship and Application form(attatched)
Apply two months prior to the period of internship proposed
Apply Online :
National Centre for Disease Informatics and Research (NCDIR) is a permanent institute of the IndianCouncil of Medical Research (ICMR), under the Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India. NCDIR has established a nationwide data-base for cancer through the National Cancer Registry Programme. The Centre undertakes and implements multi-registry/centric collaborative etiologic research studies using the tool of electronic information technology for collection and analysis of reliable data on magnitude and patterns of cancer, diabetes, CVD and stroke.The focus of research of the center is to undertake epidemiological studies in cancer, diabetes, CVD and stroke and Non-communicable diseases research, patterns of care and survival studies on selected sites of cancer, and strengthening cause of death information. The ICMR Bioethics unit strives to promote ethical conduct of research, improve communication and build capacity of ethical review in institutions across the country and has developed the ICMR national ethical guidelines, and undertakes research in the areas of ethics related to biomedical research.
Objective: To provide a framework for postgraduate students from diverse academic backgrounds to NCDIR Research programmes that can enhance their educational experience through practical assignments by involving in the work at NCDIR.
Internship opportunities are available in the following disciplines:
1. Epidemiology & Public Health System – Non communicable diseases
2. Medical Statistics
3. Bioethics
4. Data Science
Eligibility Criteria:
Postgraduate students in fields of Medicine, public health, epidemiology, statistics, demography, Data Science, computer or information technology, social sciences, philosophy and ethics from a State or Central Government, MCI/AICTE/UGC - recognized University/ College/Institute. Undergraduate students may apply if it is part of the course curriculum and application will be reviewed on a case to case basis.
Application process:
1. The application form to be submitted in the prescribed format within the stipulated timeframe. (Two months prior to period of internship requested)
2. The applications will be scrutinized by a Review Committee of NCDIR. The decision of the
committee will be final and selected candidates will be intimated individually by email.
3. Selected candidates should submit recommendation form by the Head of Institution.
4. Selected candidates will be assigned to NCDIR scientists designated by the Director, NCDIR.
Duration of Internship: Minimum 2 months
Duration of 2 to 6 months may be considered depending on the student’s timelines and requirements.
Application Period: Applications should be submitted two months prior to the period of internship
General Guidelines:
1. Applications with incomplete information will not be considered.
2. The selection of candidates will be based on the past academic record and availability of the supervisor. Selection process will involve brief interaction with the applicant via videoconferencing.
3. NCDIR will not provide any financial support for accommodation, travel and any other expenses related to internship period. The candidates will have to make their own arrangements for accommodation and local travel during the internship period.
4. All the interns admitted will have to strictly adhere to the rules and regulations of NCDIR.
5. Interns admitted will work under the direct supervision of the mentor who will be Scientist nominated by the Director, NCDIR.
6. Interns will be given orientation to the research and development work at NCDIR and learning during the internship will be based on the specific task and assignments under the supervision of Scientist of NCDIR. Interns will be evaluated periodically and at the end of the internship.
7. The interns completing the internship successfully will be issued a completion certificate.
8. All Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) arising from the internship work will belong to NCDIR, Bengaluru. The concerned intern will be given due credit in publications arising out of his/ her work at NCDIR.
9. Intern will not use any data from the internship undertaken by him/her at NCDIR for publication elsewhere.
10. The intern will not be treated as an employee of NCDIR and his/her service will be terminated at the conclusion of the internship. The intern will be subject to administrative control of the Institution.
11. Interns must disclose any circumstances that could give rise to a potential conflict of interest related to the subject of the activity in which they will be involved during the course of their assignment (Declaration of Interest).
12. Interns do not have the status of NCDIR staff members and shall not represent the Organization in any official capacity.
13. Any employment with NCDIR shall be subject to established recruitment and selection procedures. Interns and former interns are free to apply as external candidates to any vacant positions which are open to external candidates and for which they are qualified.
14. NCDIR does not sign any agreements, proposed or required by a sponsor, university or equivalent institution.
Central Square Foundation