The objective of the Scheme is to assign short term tasks/projects/studies useful and relevant to NABARD, to talented students pursuing post-graduate degree (having completed first year) in Agriculture and allied disciplines (Veterinary, Fisheries, etc.), Agri-business, Economics, Social Sciences and Management from Institutes/ Universities of repute or Students pursuing 5 years integrated courses including Law and in 4th year of their course. The scheme is expected to provide valuable feedback with a fresh perspective through studies/projects undertaken by the students on themes of interest to NABARD.
(A) Total Seats Total number of seats for NABARD SIS 2021-22 is 75 (65 seats for Regional Offices/TEs & 10 seats for Head Office).
(B) Broad Themes/Areas The broad objective of SIS 2021-22 is documentation of success stories of NABARD’s projects/programmes/schemes/activities at the field level. The areas of NABARD’s activities identified for the Scheme are as under:
Sl. No. Broad Themes/Topics/ Areas
1 Rural Haats
2 Rural Mart
3 Homestays (Rural Tourism)
4 Skill Development Programmes
5 Micro ATMs & Financial Literary Programmes
6 KWF Projects- Climate Change Projects
7 Advanced Technologies on web-based monitoring of watershed management projects
In addition, the study projects to be carried out by SIS interns may cover NABARD’s intervention/supports under the following funds / schemes/programmes:
1. Projects supported under Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF), LongTerm-Irrigation Fund (LTRF), Warehouse Infrastructure Fund, Food Processing Fund, NABARD Infrastructure Development Assistance (NIDA), Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, Direct Refinance Assistance to cooperative Banks, Credit Facility Federations, Producer Organisations including PACS as MSC (Loan + grant), Dairy Processing and Infrastructure Development Fund, Swachh Bharat Mission-Gramin, Production and Marketing Credit and conversion loans for production credit, Green Climate Fund, CBS, Computerisation of Rural Banks, etc.
2. Development Initiatives undertaken under Watershed Projects, Spring-shed Watershed Development Programmes, TDF projects, SHGs training & digitisation, capacity buildings, skill development programmes such as LEDP, MEDP and others, UPNRM projects, Off-Farm Development projects and supports and any other areas of NABARD’s reach.
Moreover, the study sample may cover mix units / respondents (with and without NABARD’s supports/interventions) to make a comparative assessment and qualitative input/feedback.
(C) Eligibility
(i). Students pursuing post-graduate degree (having completed first year) in Agriculture and allied disciplines (Veterinary, Fisheries, etc.), Agri-business, Economics, Social Sciences and Management from Institutes/ Universities of repute or Students pursuing 5 years integrated courses including Law and in 4th year of their course and Indian Students studying abroad are eligible for SIS 2021-22.
(ii). No TA/DA will be paid to the students appearing for the Interview.
(D) Important Dates
Opening of link for registration and submission of applications February 09, 2021
Closing Date for submission of applications March 05, 2021
S M Sehgal Foundation
Globsyn Business School