Sanctuary of Innovation, Incubation, and Entrepreneurship (SIIE), under the aegis of SRISTI Innovation at Ahmedabad, is a BioNest Incubation center supported by Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC), Government of India.
SIIE BioNEST Incubation center is focused on nurturing technology and innovations from & for the grassroots innovators. SIIE is sector agnostic and supports innovation and innovators from multiple disciplines but focuses on agriculture, environmental science, food science & life sciences.
The mission and vision of SIIE-BioNEST are to become a sanctuary of knowledge for the marginal people with an extraordinary mindset and innovations. SIIE-BioNEST primarily focuses on nurturing, mentoring, and guiding Innovators with the necessary assistance and platform to take their innovation to the next level. Though SIIE-BIoNEST focuses on grass-root innovations, It is equally appreciative and welcoming of other Innovations and innovators.
Looking for Ph.D/first-class postgraduates in Agronomy/Entomology with minimum one/two years experience in on-farm research. Freshers may also apply.
The job involves the collection and analysis of data of on-farm trials using statistical tools. The candidate is expected to work on farmer’s innovations/traditional practices and travel extensively across the country. Willingness to stay in villages to keep in close touch with the local communities is a must. She/he should be willing to document the existing innovative practices and scout new ones, design experiments to validate the same, monitor the trial, collect data, analyze and feed it back to innovators and develop robust practices/products.
Job location: Grambharti, Gandhinagar-Mahudi Road, Gandhinagar 382735
Salary range: Rs. 30,000 to 45,000/- pm
The last date to receive the applications is January 20th, 2021.
Kindly fill up the form at to complete your application.