Position: Outreach Worker
Organization: Sankalp Samaj Sevi Sanstha
Location: Gwalior
Education: Graduate
Experience: Freshers can apply. Priority will be given to experience candidate.
Summary of Key Functions:
The ORW will be responsible for overall planning of service delivery at the field for behaviour change or service uptake. With Peer Educators and ORW has to plan, counselling sessions by counsellor, clinic services by visiting physician or preferred providers, advocacy and networking with stakeholders. Supporting the peer educators and facilitating their work for efficient and effective coverage of HRGs. Maintenance of records of the outreach team and report to the project. Rapport building with the target population and mobilise them for various services. Work with M&E assistant for data recording. Ensure field training of PEs.
Duties and Responsibilities: will be responsible for performing the following functions:
Planning and Management
1. The ORW will be responsible for preparing micro-plans for each hotspot, monitoring the implementation of the plans and review of the plans.
2. Facilitate and build capacity of the peer educators to implement the outreach activities as per the required norms of the project.
3. Ensure micro plans and line listing is updated on quarterly basis and the same is shared with project for HRGs and in case of migrants and truckers the micro plan and site assessment is completed every quarter.
4. Prepare monthly action plan for each hotspot, ensure supply of needles/syringes, condoms, lubricants, BCC materials adequately for each hotspot.
5. Should discuss with the counsellor on a monthly basis to understand the hotspots or sites with
poor service uptake, increasing number of due and overdue so that necessary follow up and micro plans can be updated.
6. Should discuss with the community members and other stakeholders in preparing micro plan
ensuring that field level support is ensured for smooth implementation of the project.
7. The ORW will identify potential volunteers and would use their services for the programme. In case of truckers and migrants, brokers may be used. Competent volunteers fulfilling necessary criteria may be engaged as peer educators after complying necessary guidelines
Supervision and Monitoring
1. The ORW will be In-charge of outreach and supportive supervision of PEs, counselling, linkages etc
2. Should ensure at least 20 days of field visits in a month to assigned areas and to the nearest preferred providers, ICTCs/FICTCs where the referrals are made.
3. ORW will ensure preparation of micro plans, risk & vulnerability analysis, stakeholder analysis in
coordination with PE and Project Manager / MEA officer.
4. Should ensure weekly peer diaries are maintained, monthly report collection from PEs, submission of own reports to the project office.
5. Should facilitate the crisis response activities.
6. Ensure all new contacts of each peer educators should be covered by him/her.
7. In addition to the regular ORW activities, the Female ORW should focussed on FIDU and FRSP in referral and providing services to them.
Advocacy and Networking
1. The ORW will be In-charge of stakeholder management to discuss and rope in support of the stakeholders in smooth implementation of the programme in the area.
2. The ORW will be working with various power structures within and outside the community and would ensure their effective participation in the programme.
3. The ORW will identify and use preferred providers for delivering the project services after due
Training by SACS or DAPCU or TSU.
Commodity Supplies and Management
1. The ORW will be responsible for demand analysis of condoms, needles and syringes, lubes in the field and would ensure distribution by the peers or through social marketing outlets in the field.
2. The ORW will maintain records of free condoms or needles and syringes or lubes received from the project and distributed by self or peer educators or out lets.
3. Identify and manage condom social marketing outlets as per the guidelines.
4. Ensure supply and management of IEC materials for use in the outreach sessions.
5. Prepare the clinic site or health camp sites by mobilising community for health check up or HIV
testing and counselling.
6. Any other TI related work assigned by the Project Manager as required by the project.
Salary: 7500/- PM and Travel Rs 1100/- PM
Prefrence to Gwalior Candidates only
Freshers Can apply