Position: Consultant – Communication
Organization: Population Services International, India
Location: Uttar Pradesh
TERM OF THE CONTRACT: 60 days spread over 3 months (1st August – 31st Oct 2021)
NATURE OF THE CONTRACT: Per Day rate Engagement
Program details
Swachh Uday :
PSI is implementing HCL funded Swachh Uday program in Lucknow city in coordination with Lucknow Municipal Corporation (LMC). Through intervention in 16 wards of Lucknow, PSI proposes to build a sustainable enabling WASH environment by addressing the critical gaps in facilitating potable water, safe disposal of fecal sludge and waste segregation practices in Lucknow. PSI envisages to Improve access to potable water supply systems in the city, improve coverage of households either connected to sewer grid or fecal Sludge Management (FSM) value chain in the city and Increase segregation of waste (dry and wet) at household level as per SBM norms.
After the Flush:
PSI is implementing the scaling up the Faecal Sludge Septage Management (FSSM) intervention model in two other states, i.e. M.P and U.P under the ATF project. FSSM intervention model from PSI is projected and will strengthen all the stakeholder linked directly in market with sanitation value chain. This model will work on sustainably to empower government to set and enforce norms and regulations and allow private sectors to run a nonexploitative profitable business moreover it will help consumers to access better quality in affordable prices. Project started in Lucknow & Kanpur (UP) and Pitampur, MP.
Purpose of the Position:
To address the critical gaps in building sustainable WASH environment, PSI will work closely with Municipal Corporation of Lucknow, Kanpur and Pitampura to improve the infrastructure and service delivery mechanism for Potable water, FSM services and solid waste collection mechanism. To improve the behaviour of the community for effective utilisation of the infrastructure and services of LMC, PSI will roll out Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) intervention in the selected wards. To design the intervention plan and intervention activities Consultant – Communication will work closely with the project team for developing the intervention plan and intervention activities based on the insight from assessment of the wards.
Duties and Responsibilities:
• Devise the communication strategy based on the insights of the assessment from the wards of Lucknow.
• Design & develop mid media activity and plan for the mid media activities.
• Develop the content for thematic tools such as Digital Flash Cards for Interpersonal Communication intervention on WASH.
• Develop the content for the thematic AVs for the intervention on WASH.
• Develop the content of the thematic IEC materials (Poster, Stickers & Leaflets).
• Support the selected agency/agencies for developing the IEC materials, Digital Flash Cards & AVs.
• Develop communication strategy, communication & intervention plan for the promotion of FSM services.
• Develop content for the FM radio ad spots for the promotion of FSM toll free number and FSM services.
• Develop content for Television ad spots for the promotion of FSM toll free number and FSM services.
• Develop content for IPC tools (A.V., Digital flash cards, Posters, stickers, leaflets, new year pocket calendar, token gifts etc.) for the community intervention for the promotion of FSM services.
• Design & develop the content for canopy/stall activity including the designing the canopy.
• Design & develop the content & plan for media activity including the crowd mobilization games etc. for the mid media activity for the promotion of FSM services.
• Develop training tools/training module including A.V on the best practices for conducting the training of tanker operators.
• Develop IEC material for the promotion of PPE use.
• Develop training tools/module including A.V on the best practices for conducting the training of tanker operators including the issues related to gender inclusiveness.
• Develop story board and process flow for the project process video documentation.
• Design and develop the STP log book for FS disposal by the tanker operators.
• Support & work closely with the agency/agencies for the development of AVs, Ad spots, IEC material materials & development of training modules etc.
• Based on the need of the program, may require to visit field in Lucknow, Kanpur in U.P and Pitampura in M.P. to understand the communities and suitability of the intervention plan for the communities.
• Post Graduate with 5-8 years of experience of developing the communication tools for Behaviour Change Communication Programs/interventions.
• Exposure to development sector particularly in Sanitation would be an asset.
• Experience of developing content for BCC programs is desired.
• Interpersonal/human relations skills
• Problem-solving abilities
• Content development for IEC materials and IEC activities.
• Working knowledge of Hindi is a must for this consultancy.
• Willingness to travel
• Strong commitment to quality in health care
Approving Authority (for the work as defined in the Scope of Work):
Senior Manager – Programs
Timelines: Monthly
Terms of Payment:
• On the completion of working days as per the timelines.
• On submission of the work details on completion.
Transform Rural India
Apnalaya Ngo