▪ To co-produce, design, develop and manage a three-year project providing and facilitating self-help groups for older people experiencing mental health problems, early-stage dementia living in sheltered and extra care housing
▪ To line manage project staff.
▪ To assure the sustainability of the project through developing housing staff, tenants and volunteers to become peer support leaders.
▪ To maintain effective links between the project and the Foundation, to ensure effective corporate working.
Principal tasks and responsibilities:
1. Operational
• Liaise closely with partners working in the schemes involved in the project to identify suitable group participants by assessment of levels of MH needs, potential to overcome barriers etc using co-production principles.
• Facilitate directly the running of four cohorts of groups over the course of the project and oversee the facilitating of other groups.
• Help recruit, supervise and line manage the three other project staff who will also be facilitating groups.
• Keep a record of key issues discussed in each group, any significant incidents that occur, and any positive or negative feedback from the group, and to discuss these with the Programme Manager for Empowerment and Later Life.
• Oversee the outreach to local communities and build networks of people to contribute to groups on a long-term basis.
• Participate in Project Management group meetings, and lead the Facilitator forum meetings.
• Actively help to recruit suitable volunteers from the groups and elsewhere who can assume responsibility for running individual groups for the sustaining of the project once the Foundation withdraws. •
To observe confidentiality in all matters relating to group participants consistent with organisational policies and legislation.
• To keep up to date with new evidence and information about effective self-help and coping strategies for LGBT++ POPULATIONS people, and to share this with group participants, as appropriate.
• Participate and share information about the project with the Advisory Group, BBC, policy makers and other stakeholders.
• Working in partnership with the Research department to ensure effective evaluation.
2. General:
• Promote and support the achievement of the BBCs corporate goals and values.
• Act as a positive ambassador for BBC in all opportunities.
• Maintain a high standard of probity in professional, personnel and financial matters, maintaining good relations with colleagues and external partners and to act in accordance with the BBC code of conduct, safeguarding policies, and other relevant organisational policies.
• Uphold and promote the BBC commitment to equality and diversity and the value of lived experience.
• If you’re working with communities you may be in contact with distressed people in person or via the phone or social media and have to trained for addressing it.
• Undertake any other duties as may reasonably be required.
This job description is contractual and is liable to change over time
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