REACH is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the fight against Tuberculosis (TB), with offices in Chennai and New Delhi. As part of the upcoming Global Fund grant to India for 2021-24, REACH will implement Unite to ACT (Amplifying Community Action for TB elimination) as a sub-recipient to the Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics India (FIND India).The goal of the Unite to ACT project is to accelerate efforts towards TB elimination in India by unifying and scaling up community action for TB through a cohesive community-led response. The project will be implemented in 10 states, with an additional 15 states receiving technical assistance for community engagement.
For the Unite to ACT project, REACH is currently recruiting for multiple positions for the National Programme Management Unit, based in New Delhi
For a detailed job description and required qualifications/experiences for each position, please see the attached document.
REACH is an equal opportunity employer. Remuneration will be at par with market standards and will be based on experience and qualifications. Qualified women candidates are encouraged to apply.
4. Programme Associate – M&E
The Programme Associate (M&E) will provide comprehensive programmatic support to the Unite to ACT Project and will be responsible for carrying out day-to-day support to the M&E team, under the supervision of the M&E Lead. Specific job responsibilities will include:
Qualifications, Experience and competencies required:
Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan
NGO/Social Services
Lady Bamford Charitable Trust