Through this project we aim to study the trends and patterns of property-related issues in India over a period of time. Given the importance of media and news in shaping public perception and influencing policy, we use a novel comprehensive dataset to study the sensitivity of media reporting on property-related events at the state as well as district level. We’re looking to conduct further research on property and land conflicts, in particular, understand how trends in media reporting compare with the true incidence of conflicts, gauge the nature of media reporting of these conflicts and explore the reasons behind the same.
1.Prior experience in NLP
2.Prior experience in scraping data from the web
3.Understanding of NLP techniques for text representation, semantic extraction techniques, data structures, and modelling
4.Deep understanding of text representation techniques (such as n-grams, bag of words, sentiment analysis etc), statistics and classification algorithms
5.Knowledge of Python/R
6.Experience with machine learning libraries (like scikit-learn or similar) and web scraping utilities (like bs4, urllib3, selenium, etc.)
7.Strong communication skills
8.Degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Computational Linguistics or similar field
We require that you submit a cover letter and resume. Please mention "Property Rights (Media Coverage)" in the subject line of your email.
RightWalk Foundation’s
Tech Mahindra Foundation
Adani Foundation