Reach India started its journey as a training and capacity building organization in the year 2006. The organization has its head office in Kolkata and registered under Indian Trust act 1882. Over the years, we have developed our core expertise in training and capacity building processes and along with that have developed a comprehensive package of trainings, implementation and technical support. Reach’s core expertise reside in population health subjects including reproductive sexual health, rights, maternal and child health, nutrition, gender education, sanitation and WASH. This core is linked to other thematic areas such as Health livelihoods, financial education and skill building/vocational skills, as we foresee, to impart knowledge, life skills and also facilitate employment and market linkages for the young women, adolescent girls and youth.
About the YUVAA Project:
Yuvaa (Youth Voices for Agency and Access) Project is a flagship project of Pathfinder International since 2018 is aiming at reaching 1.2 million young married couples and first-time parents. The overall goal of the project is to scale approaches to increase modern contraceptive use among young married couples and first-time parents (currently married women aged 15-24 year and their husbands) in 10 districts in Bihar (Patna, Gaya, Nalanda, Vaishali and Muzaffarpur) and Maharashtra (Satara, Sangli, Solapur, Kolhapur and Ahmednagar), India. Dharma Life is implementing the project with the help of Yuvaa corps at the ground. Reach India trust is going to provide project monitoring and supply side intervention support by linking private providers in the project. Through this programmatic support Reach India will to achieve the following main project outcomes.
1. Increased uptake of modern contraception among married couples and first-time parents (15-24) in YUVAA-supported districts in Bihar and Maharashtra
2. The potential is increased for the scale-up and sustainability of YUVAA innovations
To achieve the above outcomes, the contractor will conduct activities and deliver responsibilities under the given intermediate outcomes as follows;
1. Increased access to youth-friendly FP counselling and use of reversible contraceptives (SARCs and LARCs)
2. Informed and empowered decision-making amongst Target Group (TG)on family planning and Healthy Timing and
Spacing of Pregnancy (HTSP)
3. Favourable shift in perceived gender and social norms related to HTSP and contraceptive use amongst young married couples and first-time parents
Position: Supply Side Mentor
Number of post: 6
Place: 3 Mentors for Bihar (Mujjaffarpur, Patna and Nalanda and 3 mentors for Maharashtra (Solapur, Ahmednagar, Kolhapur)
Job Description:
1. Mapping of health facilities: Mapping and assessment of potential service providers/facilities for FP Services (public and private facilities)
2. List all the health care facilities in the given district.
3. Prepare a list of health care facilities providing family planning services in the given district both private and public.
4. Field visit to all the potential facilities make a presentation on YUVAA project and collect data for each facility in facility mapping format.
5. Obtain consent from the services providers/facility In-charge for participating in YUVAA referral network in given format.
6. Data collection and final data in electronic as well as non-electronic (hard copies of mapping forms) for all the facilities providing family planning services in the district.
7. Support program team in finalizing the selection and linking of facilities
8. Support in signing off formal agreement with selected health facilities for partnership.
9. Facility readiness: Undertake field visits and visit selected networked facilities and prepare a list of observation for each of the facilities to assess general quality of Family Planning services.
10. Develop and implement plans (in consultation with the selected facilities and donor) to provide quality youth friendly Family Planning services (infrastructure, equipment, supplies, biomedical waste management, record maintenance, functional counseling corner, etc.)
11. Paramedical staff support: On-site Orientation of para-medical support staff at the referral YUVAA facilities for provision of Youth Friendly family planning services.
12. Onsite mentoring of Paramedical staff on FP methods, Youth Friendly services and counselling skills.
13. Disseminate the Software application specially developed for family planning and conduct mentoring sessions as per the module developed. Debriefing sessions with the facility incharge, to facilitate improvements.
14. Service provider support: Engagement with Private Healthcare provider (doctor) for capacity building on Youth friendly FP.
15. Knowledge Exchange/Conference for Doctors Forum: Facilitate (planning and organizing) participation of private healthcare providers in YUVAA organized events/meetings. Plan and support in organizing round table meeting/ conference with the networked health facility providers/staffs.
16. Co-ordinate the YUVAA branding of the referral facility and ensure IEC, job-aids, registers, client cards are in place and ensure usage.
17. Co-ordinate establishment of FP counselling corners at the referral facilities
18. Client Referral Services: Facilitate and co-ordinate between the facilities and YUVAA project implementation team/partners and ensure smooth functioning of the referral network. Establish linkage with the other field interventions of YUVAA in the district by coordinating and supporting the district team which will benefit in effectively completing the loop between demand and supply side. Monitor and supportive supervision of referral systems of TGs to private and public health facilities for provision of FP services
19. Client Feedback: Disseminate the results from the client satisfaction surveys to the respective facility and facilitate improvements in the quality of services with facility in-charge.
20. Provide regular reports and updates on the activities performed and data collected.
Salary: Upto INR 4.2 Lacs / annum based on current and last drawn salary
How to apply:
Interested candidates may apply through email at within 15 days from the day of advertisement. The candidates must provide:
Wells Fargo
Oswal Aayush Super Speciality Hospital,