Position: Counsellor (Female)
Organization: Dwarka Woman Child Care Society
Location: Vidisha
Recruitment Qualifications Education and Experience
The counsellor should be a Post-graduate in Psychology or Social Work with a regular course.
In case, a person with above qualification is not available, candidate with following qualification and experience may be considered:
Graduate in Psychology or Social Work (only with regular course) with minimum two years work experience in counselling or working with TIs/Adolescent Health
Programme/Mental Health settings/Substance Abuse or Drug Dependence programmes.
Knowledge and Skills
• Familiarity with issues related to marginalised communities especially with HRGs
and their families.
• Strong communication and mobilisation skills.
• Ability to work in small teams, and flexible ways of working.
• Proficiency in report writing, case study compilation.
• At least 10 days in the field visit required.
• Overall management capacity to monitor, report and guide the team under
him/her in absence of Project Manager or any other task provided by the team.
Counseling and Behaviour Change Communication
1. The counsellor is responsible for taking individual and group sessions on HIV/AIDS, STI, safe sex
and injecting practices, prevention of abscesses, overdose prevention, drug treatment options,
OST, etc.
2. The counsellor also shall engage in family counselling.
3. Demonstrate condom use, counsel on condom negotiation skills.
4. The counsellor shall also be responsible for motivating the clients for regular General Medical
Check ups, referral of clients to ICTC, STI clinic, ART, etc.
5. The counsellor shall also be responsible for orientation of ORWs on counselling techniques and
coordinate the outreach based BCC and psychosocial support activities.
6. The counsellor shall also look into the counselling requirement of female sex partner and
spouses of IDUs and motivating them to avail the HIV related services (STI treatment, ICTC, etc).
7. In addition, s/he shall develop the BCC materials suitable for local context, follow-up clients both
in DIC and in the field and maintain records as per prescribed formats.
8. The counsellor would be responsible for identifying individual or group motivators or inhibitors
which require to be addressed for health seeking behaviours, condom use, decline in sharing the
needles/syringes, decline in domestic or group violence, addressing issues related to self-esteem,
communitisation of groups etc.
9. Using the above areas the counsellor would guide the outreach team to have specific need based
BCC sessions to address these issues.
10. The Counsellor would be responsible for management of clinics especially record keeping,
management of the patient flow, visit to the clinic sites or preferred providers and dispensing of
11. The counsellor in coordination with M&E assistant cum Accountant would identify the hotspots
or sites with low service uptake, increasing defaulters – prepare outreach and visit plan to
conduct hotspot level meeting.
12. The counsellor along with ORWs would prepare a plan to improve linkage with ICTCs / FICTCs
ensuring sharing of line listing of referred clients from TI to ICTC, maintenance of referral cards
and referral registers.
13. The counsellor along with M&E assistant cum Accountant would ensure timely reporting of
condom stocks, OST medicine stocks, STI and other general medicine stocks to DAPCU, SACS, TSU
or TSG as per requirements.
14. The counsellor will participate in site validation process and would update the site validation and
quarterly line listing of HRGs of the project along with M&E assistant cum Accountant.
15. The counsellor will participate in stakeholder meeting and would prepare a stakeholder
engagement plan to ensure that the issues related to BCC and service uptake is associated.
16. Ensure collection of used needles and syringes in a IDU TI and bio-medical waste management as
per the required guidelines.
17. Disposal of clinic or health camp wastes as per the recommended guidelines.
18. The Counsellor to travel to the project area for providing services in the field. The counsellor
should visit the field for about 10-12 days in a month.
19. The counsellor shall also engage with providers of social welfare services and facilitate linkage
with social welfare services.
• Report to PM of the project.
• Provide data / information required for preparation of reports.
• Prepare at least 12 case records in the prescribed format and conduct risk management plan for
HRGs or their regular clients.
• Maintain / ensure records on referrals to other services, patients register, follow up register,
referrals cards, reconciliation of referral cards, patient cards, condom stock and issue register,
needle and syringe stock and issue register, bio-medical waste management register, medicine
stock and issue
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