Position: Consultant (Budget)
Organization: Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Location: Delhi
Job Profile:
I. Collecting and collating inputs for assisting the Officers for preparation of Budget Estimates/Revised Estimates/Final Estimates.(BE/RE/FE).
II. Compilation of Final Estimates and Surrender of Savings.
III. Preparation of the booklet - Detailed Demands for Grants
IV. Assistance in distribution of approved Grant (upto object head level) as per budgetary ceilings conveyed by the Ministry of Finance.
V. Rendering assistance in opening New Heads of Accounts etc.
VI. Providing assistance in the matter of collation of proposals for projection of Supplementary Grants to the Ministry of Finance.
VII. Rendering such other assistance as to watch over sending reports and returns on the budgetary matter.
VIII. Input of data of Statement of Budget Estimate (SBE) in to Union Budget Information System (UBIS)
IX. Input of data of Detailed Demands for Grants (DDG) into Union Budget Information System (UBIS) and necessary charges made their to from time to time.
X. Preparation of proposals for seeking approval of competent authority for reappropriation of funds.
XI. Preparation of Surrender of Savings
XII. Preparation of Consolidated re-appropriation
XIII. Monitoring the expenditure on commodities released to the State Governments by way of Cost Adjustment of Non-Plan funds under Plan funds.
XIV. RTI matters, pertaining to Budget Division of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, in a time bound manner.
XV. Co-ordination with various Programme Divisions for getting the information for reply to Question of Parliament Standing Committee (PSC).
XVI. Working knowledge of Public Financial Management System (PFMS) for releasing of funds etc.
XVII. Preparation of various Periodical Reports in time bound manners.
XVIII. Any other job assigned by the Senior Officers Other Responsibilities:
(i) Assisting Finance Controller to provide information and data support regarding Budget, Parliament Question/Committees, RTI, VIP references etc. for time to time.
(ii) Monitoring of the expenditure with respect to the Budget Estimates and Quarterly Action Plan and deviation thereof, if any.
(iii) Data analysis with respect to the fund used in Schedule Caste Sub Plan (SCSP, Tribal Area Sub Plan (TSP) and North Eastern Region (NER) Components and their savings/Additionalities, if any.
(iv) Monitoring of overall allocation/expenditure released Schemes/NE/SC/ST Budget.
(v) Provide information and data support regarding Parliament Questions/Committees, RTI, VIP references, C&AG & DGACE audit etc. from time to time.
(vi) Assisting Budget Division in co-ordination and compilation of ATNs on Reports of PSC on Health and FW.
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