Position: Program Director
Organization: CARE India
Location: Delhi
Apply: https://recruitment.samshrm.com/jobs/CARE/1432/PD-CARE?Ref=PD-CARE
Key Job Responsibilities:
(A) Programme Implementation:
(1) Oversee full Project Cycle Management, and ensure quality and timely output. Also ensure quality project closures with timely evaluations;
(2) Line manage Project Managers, Finance Managers, Program Support Managers and COPs, and make them accountable for qualitative program delivery, operations and related compliances;
(3) Through field visits and established review mechanisms, monitor/ supervise the implementation of CARE India’s programing strategy, project-wise operations, track progress, provide inputs, and coordinate technical assistance, to enable the realization of project /organizational goals;
(4) Guide and support Project Managers to coordinate with Technical Sector Units and ensure project teams have adequate technical assistance, and capacity building support, for undertaking quality project interventions/ activities and generate desired results;
(5) Ensure finance and support functions (procurement of goods and services, administration, etc.) are aligned and undertaken for effective program operations;
(6) Coordinate smooth funds flow and implementation of planned activities, as per approved Detailed Implementation Plans and Budgets, directly engaging with donors for approvals of project agreements and funds flow;
(7) Ensure budget holders are actively monitoring and reviewing budgets and addressing issues promptly, through frequent reviews and field visits;
(8) Ensure 100% burn rates, supporting and making Project Managers accountable for achieving the same;
(9) Ensure program operations are in compliance with principles of accountability and transparency;
(10) Undertake monthly Project and PIU-level reviews and ensure appropriate corrective actions are taken, in full compliance with approved contracts and DIPs;
(11) Guide and support Project Managers to support and nurture innovation and learning within program teams at the project level, with particular emphasis on building greater coherence across CARE India’s programming (beyond individual projects);
(12) Coordinate alerts, roster activation, and disaster response initiatives in the states of UP, MP, Jharkhand, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Punjab and Haryana. Also coordinate with the Inter-Agency Groups’ State Disaster Management Authorities, of respective states.
(B) Programme Quality and Advocacy:
(1) Foster CARE India’s strategic partnerships at the project, state, and region level, to undertake strategic advocacy agendas and realize project and long-term program objectives/ goals;
(2) Identify and leverage opportunities to influence Government, donors and other institutions, using experience and learnings from CARE India’s programs on the ground;
(3) Identify and leverage opportunities for scaling-up CARE India’s work through multiple systems and pathways;
(4) Represent CARE India at public events and in the media, as appropriate, and safeguard the organization’s interest. Ensure CARE India participates in and contributes to alliances, coalitions, and formal and informal networks of groups, to advocate and influence policy in line with organizational vision, mission and program focus areas;
(5) Ensures partnerships with local organizations are strategic and effective, and enable CARE India to maximize its impact;
(6) Ensures all projects are aligned with CARE India’s Program Quality Framework, especially on key focus areas like gender transformative programming, sustainability, community participation, innovation and scalability;
(7) Take an active role in the overall development of CARE India’s country strategy and long-term programs, and develop a roadmap for advancing strategic approaches;
(8) Work with concerned program experts to design, build and implement dynamic multi-sectoral and multi-dimensional, long-term programming in line with the strategic program framework. Operationalize Vision 2030 and operational strategy 2025, through annual operating plans for the PIU, quarterly review AOP progress and take necessary course corrections/ follow-up actions, to realize designed objectives and inform mission AOP.
(C) Management of Support Functions:
(1) Build, lead, motivate and manage a dynamic and effective team. Also recruit, orient, supervise, coach and mentor direct reports, ensuring they are accountable for their areas of operation. Also coordinate staff development/ talent management and organizational succession plans, as appropriate;
(2) Ensure that all project teams understand and actively contribute to CARE India’s commitment to gender equality, diversity, advocacy and resilience;
(3) Inspire and facilitate the development of staff at every level and assume leadership roles in furthering the impact of CARE India’s programming;
(4) Coordinate staff safety and security processes at the project /PIU level;
(5) Lead Project /PIU Budget development;
(6) Ensure timely and quick responses to audit queries and the timely closure of any outstanding/ open audit observation;
(7) Coordinate compliance with statutory requirements and audit recommendations to reduce legal risks for the organization and safeguard the organization’s investment in the region. Also make Project Managers accountable for ensuring these at their level;
(8) Nurture and manage critical relationships with key Government officials, donor representatives, local NGO partners, consortium partners, peer agency institutions, and community level organizations;
(9) Ensure quality implementation of responses to emergency operations (relief and rehabilitation phase), including management of the ? 2 lakh emergency contingency fund;
(10) Ensure CARE India’s emergency preparedness and response capacity is strong across project locations. Coordinate availability of pre-positioned kits and coordinate operationalization of emergency response initiatives.
(D) Resource Mobilization and Portfolio Development:
(1) Lead the development of a long-term plan for the PIU. Determine resource targets and strategies for ensuring a healthy, long term, program portfolio, in line with CARE India’s long term programming framework;
(2) Work with key staff in technical units, program development, fund raising and external relations, to determine resource targets. Develop a robust hub pipeline and strategies, for ensuring a healthy, long term program portfolio;
(3) Undertake horizon-scanning for the initiation of potential partnerships and strategic alliances;
(4) Help maximize resources and relationships with donors for on-going projects, by ensuring excellence and timeliness of deliverables;
(5) Complement the efforts of the Fundraising Unit in managing donor relationships at project and strategic levels, as appropriate. Work closely with institutional, SPA units, and technical teams, to develop proposals and respond to calls for proposals.
The Program Director will lead a multi-sectoral Project and Support Function (Finance/ Administration) team. S/he will be a skilled and experienced people manager, who will take a lead role in ensuring CARE India’s work is consistent with the organization’s mission/ strategic program framework, to achieve lasting transformation in the lives of women, girls, and the most marginalized, by fostering inclusion and collective action, enhancing community resilience and breaking systemic barriers.
As a member of the Leadership Team of the Strategic Program Unit, the post-holder shall contribute to organizational evaluation, policy development and coordinating operations, in line with CARE India’s country strategy, and long-term programming framework. S/he shall ensure that internal systems and processes enable quality program delivery through effective and meaningful contribution to deliberations by periodic updates on progress on Program Implementation Unit (PIU) vision, viability, and programs, including project pipelines, through self-driven processes and systems.
Masters’ degree in development, or equivalent combination of experience.
(1) 12- 15 years of work experience, with a minimum of three years in a leadership position, with a proven track record of complex program management and building and maintaining external relationships;
(2) Excellent track record of building and nurturing relationships with development organizations at multiple levels;
(3) Extensive program experience in one or more of the following portfolios: Livelihoods, Education, Disaster Response and Management, shall be preferred.
Gates Foundation
Learning Links Foundation(PAN India)