Position: Programme Officer Gender Equality
Organization: SWISSAID
Location: Pune
Key Roles and Responsibilities:
Accompaniment and Monitoring of Projects and Partnerships to Achieve Agreed Results (65%):
(1) Develop project proposals (in the SWISSAID template) together with partner organizations taking into consideration the needs of the communities and the outcomes of the Country Programme Plan
(2) Develop detailed annual project implementation plans together with partner organizations, monitor and enforce deadlines.
(3) Support partners in developing strategies to build capacity of women and men animators to become gender role models, strengthen village level groups of girls/women/boys and men and conceptualize awareness campaigns to change gender attitudes and behavior
(4) Assist the partners in developing strategies to build agency of young girls and women to stop child marriage, negotiate equal relationships, access education and livelihood opportunities.
(5) Develop strategy papers on project themes such as reducing child marriages, empowerment of DV survivors based on experiences emerging from project implementation
(6) Undertake partner visits to provide handholding support to help partners develop operational strategies to achieve project outcomes.
(7) Periodically assess the thematic capacity and organizational capacity of partner and organize capacity-buildingofpartnerorganizations
(8) Draft six monthly and annual reports and review the finance reports. Document success stories, journeys of empowerment of DV survivors etc.
(9) Work closely with the M and E consultant and partners to ensure effective implementation of the Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation System.
(10) Be the Focal point for Gender and contribute to the Community of Practice by sharing the experience from India projects and developing knowledge products based on the work
(11) Support SWISSAID partners to implement the Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace Policy and SWISSAIDs Protection from Sexual Abuse and Harassment Policy
(12) Ensure compliance of projects with SWISSAID procedures and guidelines
(13) Inform/consult with the Senior Programme Officer in the event of significant modifications in project content and budget or serious problems in a project
(14) Any other task delegated by the SPO
(B) Engagement with Government and civil society stakeholders (15%)
(1) Develop linkages with government and non-government stakeholders working in the region to change gender attitudes, end child marriage and economically empower women to enhance project impact
(2)Facilitate partner organizations to develop district level policy engagement strategy to address child marriage, dowry and provision of integrated support and referral services to survivors of domestic violence.
(3) Foster and participate in networks on thematic priorities of the SWISSAID country program (in consultation with Senior Programme Officer)
(C) PublicRelation,Informationworksandfundraisinq (20%)
(1) Lead and contribute to the development of good quality donor proposals to enhance the gender equality portfolio. Manage the donor funded projects and prepare high quality donor reports
(2)Draft fund raising and communication materials on SWISSAID and its program in the country for information and fundraising work.
4. Qualifications, Skills and Competencies
Applicants must be graduates with a post graduate degree in Human Rights, Law, Gender studies, Social work, Public Health, Public Policy., Community Development or other Social Sciences
(1) Minimum eight years’ experience of working in the development sector in the field of gender justice, of which at least three years must be with a grassroots development organization.
(2) Proven track record of GBV programming through either changing gender attitudes and behaviors or supporting survivors of domestic violence
(3) Extensive experience of capacity building of NGOs around GBV.
(4) Experience of mainstreaming gender in livelihood projects is desirable
Skills and Competencies:
(1) Excellent knowledge and understanding of violence against women and girls viz the current situation, causes, government laws and policies, important stakeholders and proven strategies
(1) Strong project management skills and ability to negotiate and convince partners.
(2) Proven track record of accompaniment of grassroots development projects.
(3) Strong commitment towards addressing gender discrimination and the rights of marginalized persons.
(5) Ability to develop strong, positive relationship internally with team members and externally with Stakeholders, Funders, Social Networks and other organizations.
(6) Excellent analytical, conceptual and writing skills.
(7) Experience of monitoring and evaluation.
(8) Fluency in written and spoken English and Hindi. Working knowledge of Marathi is desirable
(9) Willingness to travel extensively.
(10) Proficient in word, excel, PowerPoint
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