Position: Accountability Accelerator Director
Organization: GCA
Experience, credentials and skills’ requirements
The ideal candidate will have 10+ years’ applicable experience, with a relevant Masters degree and experience in entrepreneurship, non-profits, and delivery of impact. Candidates will demonstrate the following aptitudes:
Expected Deliverables:
Based on the outputs from the workshop, inputs from an interim steering committee, and the draft action plan, the Director will have the responsibility to deliver the following:
1. A lean and effective Accountability Accelerator that seamlessly integrates with the other pillars of the GCA
2. A fully functioning and operating partnership model
3. Objectives, targets and approach for the system and necessary working groups, incl. long-term roadmap based on consolidated working group work plans
4. Funding mechanisms and pipeline of prioritised areas and associated fundable initiatives for accountability fund to consider
5. Communications and launch plan; internal and external partners are informed about progress
6. Further scoping and mapping of key stakeholders to be engaged
7. Convenings and prototyping sessions
It is anticipated that the main activities in the project for the initial 18-month period include the following:
1. Ensure coordination and provide appropriate support to different Accelerator elements and external organisations
2. Create culture of collaboration across the Accelerator and between partner organisations
3. Seek input on strategic questions and recommendations from (Interim) Steering Committee & Funding Committee
4. Work with Interim Steering Committee and Funding Committee to ensure Accelerator governance is appropriate
5. Define mandate & membership for a series of topical working group for different accountability mechanisms (e.g. Value Chain Feedback, Rewards & Incentives, Penalties & Alarm System, Data & Standards, Structural Reform)
6. Ensure the coherence of the overall blueprint for the accountability system-of-systems to which activity and funding should map
7. Actively identify and manage dependencies between working groups
8. Develop funding proposals coming from the working groups would benefit from the Accelerator’s facilitation, and ensure corresponding project pipeline
9. Communicate about ongoing and planned activities of the working groups to internal and external stakeholders
10. Support working groups with analysis (e.g. on baselining & fact base, assessments)
11. Design and facilitate initiate working groups meetings
12. Design and facilitate co-creation processes to help deliver fundable initiatives
Apply: Please send a brief letter of interest, consultant daily rate, and CV
IT For Change
The Rural Development Department