Job Description: Content Specialist
Job level: Experience with design/ delivery of educational content
Type: Full Time
Location: Bangalore or Delhi, remote work also possible
Compensation: Industry standard but flexible based on candidate
In this role you'll get ...
● Exposure to developing learning content focused on low-incomecommunities
and their unique needs and preferences
● Opportunity to build thinking on content and curriculum for early childhoodeducation
that can be used across India
On day one we'll expect you to...
● Have had classroom teaching experience for a minimum of two years.
● Be comfortable presenting in front of the camera.
● Be able to adapt to the demands of a young, fast-growing organization.
● Be comfortable working with technology.
● Be a fluent Hindi speaker. Knowledge of Marathi is a bonus
● Have excellent communication skills.
If interested in exploring this opportunity, please email with your
resume/portfolio and a couple of lines on why you’re interested. We are in the process of closing a funding.
round and aim to expand our creative team within June itself.