Position: Assistant/Deputy Manager
Organization: Ashoka University
Apply: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdXPLZR-Z4X-foSS2vVJrqbjOgRKsbAYsN1LlcdIMFK0li7gw/viewform
A brief Job Description:
The candidate is expected to undertake a creative and managerial role so as to contribute to the larger vision and mission – The 3 I’s of the Centre.
INSPIRE - Build a culture of entrepreneurship through events & activities (Ideate workshops, Startup events & competitions, Entrepreneurship Speaker Series, Conferences & Networking Events)
INCULCATE - Academic initiatives & course offerings in Entrepreneurship (Minor / Interdisciplinary in Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship Capstone, Study Abroad Programs, Executive Programs)
INCUBATE - Nurture startups through incubation, acceleration & other initiatives. (Ideate, deliver, and manage incubation and acceleration programs)
Some other activities include:
• Creating content & stories for inspiring students on the prospects
of entrepreneurship
• Ideation and execution of events to inspire and cultivate
an entrepreneurial mindset
• Serving as an Academic Assistant for the several Entrepreneurship
courses offered
• Alumni Engagement & managing the Entrepreneurship Network
of Ashoka
• Serve as the client for Experiential Learning Modules
• Managing the Social Media handles and the website