Position: Executive Trainee
Organization: KIOCL Limited
Location: Bellary
Apply: https://www.kioclltd.in/user/cms/134
Education & Experience
Graduate with full time MBA/MSW or Equivalent with HR/IR specialization from a recognized University/Management Institution
Minimum 75% for Gen, EWSand65% for SC, ST, OBC candidates of aggregate of all SemestersCGPA-7.9 for General, EWS and 6.8 for SC/ST & OBC candidates(Candidates obtained MBA/MSW or equivalent degree on correspondence/distance mode are not eligible to apply)
Selection Criteria:
•Selection for Interview will be through Written Test. Date,Time &Venue for Written Test will be intimated separately to the eligible candidates.Those who qualify in the written test will only be called for interview as per the Recruitment Policy / Rules of the Company
•Ratio of candidates to be considered / called for interviewis1:3as per the Recruitment Policy / Rules of the Company
XI.Candidates appearing for interview will be paid to & frorail / road fare by shortest route limited to II class rail fare on production of tickets/ receipts.
XII.Only on-line applications are accepted.
PRO India
The American India Foundation
Women’s World Banking