Position: Project Coordinator
Organization: Project Koshika
Location: Panna, MP
Job Role:
Chief Responsibilities:
1. Ideating - In its first phase the project focused on health, and now as we move into its next phase, the project will be in need of new directions it can explore. An individual who can connect its present with its future and design a strong phase two will be essential, and make decisions around expansion of the project, or deep dive into other avenues
2. Project Management - Overall coordination of the project, including strategizing and setting of milestones of the overall project and the team. - Overseeing the day-to-day activities of all team members involved and aiding them in creating ownership and efficiency in their job roles. - Managing the administration and accounts of the field office and coordinating with the head office over it. - Reports to be created and shared based on milestones given
3. Networking - Working alongside the head office and keeping them informed of the work being done at the local level. - Keeping the project funders appraised of the situation on ground, and collaborating with them when necessary - Routine meeting with various stakeholders at the District and Block level, keeping them updated of the work being done and collaborating with them on some activities. - Reaching out to a network of mentors and India Fellow Alum who are invested in the growth of Koshika; keeping them abreast with the work on the field.
4. Field Activities - Ensuring the smooth functioning of field activities, helping team members plan and execute their roles smoothly - Routine participation in field activities - Conflict management and fire fighting as and when needed
5. Mentorship - Fulfilling the role of a mentor to all members of the team, and ensuring their personal and professional growth within this project - Creating opportunities of mentorship outside of the project for the staff - Mentoring field facilitators in the journey of becoming village leaders
Years of Experience: 3-5 years of experience in the sector, with a knowledge of how grassroots projects function. Prior knowledge in maternal, child health or generic health will be a plus, but it is not compulsory.
Apply: You may send in your applications, and a statement of intent, alongwith any queries you may have to XXXX@projectkoshika.org