Job Title: Field Officer Cum Treatment Counsellor.
No. of Position: 08 {Three (03) at Khurda, Two (02) at Ganjam and Two (02) at Cuttack district} Odisha. Location: Khurda, Ganjam and Cuttack district- Odisha
Essential Qualification:
1. Bachelor’s Degree OR Recognized sanitary inspector’s course.
2. Knowledge in basic computer applications MS Word, Excel and PPT
3. Permanent two wheeler driving license & should be able to drive two wheeler
Desired Skills & Requirement:
• Good Verbal and written communication skills preferably in English & Local language
• Excellent counselling skills, Interpersonal skills, Documentation and Report writing skills
• Ability to travel extensively within the project area.
• Smart phone is compulsory for this position as all the reporting will be through mobile application
Job Specification/ Responsibilities:
• Ensure regularity of DOT for all types of TB patients, as per RNTCP guidelines
• Coordinate with all concerned to ensure that all contacts of sputum positive patients are screened for TB • Maintain the TB Register, incorporating required information with respect to all cases diagnosed in the Block/TB Unit; Ensure notification of TB Cases in his/her assigned TB Unit
• Verify address of all diagnosed TB patients and educate patients and their families on the plan of treatment.
• Provide health education and counselling to the patients and family members registered with the project. • Conduct follow-up visits / calls to patients for tracking adherence on regular intervals after treatment initiation.
• Record treatment adherence on a monthly basis and treatment outcome at the end of treatment.
• Provide information on social support/security schemes for which patients are eligible.
• Coordinate with government officials and departments to ensure social support and schemes for TB patients
• Implementation and management support for partnerships with private partners at district and sub-district level.
• Conducting workshops /meetings for improving involvement of private partners in RNTCP.
• Arrange time and place for DOT, according to the patient’s convenience.
• Ensure that follow-up smear/culture/DST examinations of sputum are carried out as per the stipulated schedule.
• Maintain the Treatment Card and record information & transfer this information to the original
• Assist the DTO in establishing TB Surveillance systems (TB Case Notification activities, ICT)
• Take steps for immediate retrieval of defaulters; During the intensive phase it should be no later than the day after the District Level- Field Officer cum Treatment Counselor default, and during the continuation phase within a week of the default.
• Assist STS in PMDT, TB/HIV collaborative activities and PPM activities
• Maintain relevant records.
• Line-listing of PP/NGO, one-to-one interactions/sensitization for involvement
• To facilitate change management with respect to use of ICT & Nikshay tools for concerned data entry, validation & its use for public health action
• Coordinate with private Doctors and Nikshay Mitra on daily basis for daily reporting and sharing of data
• Any other job assigned as per programme need
E-mail at mentioning “Application for the post of ” in the subject line of E-mail
Public Health Foundation of India
Swedish Chamber of commerce
Bharatiya Yuva Shakti Trust