Key Responsibilities
i. Senior Consultant The primary duties and responsibilities as Senior Consultant shall be as follows:
• Provide key technical support (i.e. Assessment of capacity building needs, and other areas of business facilitation) for developing off-farm clusters and Off Farm Producer Organisations (OFPOs) in the rural areas.
• Develop new interventions and devise suitable implementation plan for strengthening existing off farm promotional activities of NABARD.
• Follow up with ROs and POPIs (wherever necessary)
• Visit to the OFPOs • Assistance in Business plan development, design development
• Developing protocol for CFC functioning • Communication and coordination with ROs, affiliated organisations, related institutions and agencies
• Visit Agri Business Incubation centres and provide necessary guidance on timely basis for attaining sustainability
• Development of matrix for Host Institution and Monitoring tool for Incubators
• Management of catalytic capital assistance and rating tool for appraisal and monitoring
• Any other item of work as per necessity of the department.
Eligibility Criteria:
Educational Qualification:
Post Graduate / MBA in Rural Development, Rural Management, Agri Business, Entrepreneurship with minimum 60% marks or equivalent CGPA
A.More than 10 years’ experience in the field of Agri. Rural Business Incubation and start up ecosystem.
B.The expert having experience in developing or working at senior level in an agri incubation/ agri. Start Ups etc. will be preferred.
Other Criteria:
A. Possesses knowledge of MSME environment/ ecosystem
B. Work experience in NGO sector (at least three years)/ Cluster development .
C. Networking with Govt. agencies/ Depts.
D. Basic book keeping and banking awareness
E. Should have excellent Knowledge of Computers with proficiency in Ms Office /IT tools
F. Experience of working in Banking sector (rural areas) will be preferred.
Age Criteria: (as on 1st May 2021)
Minimum 40 years and Maximum 50 years (may be relaxed in deserving cases with OFDD HO approval)
Candidates will be paid consolidated monthly remuneration (u/s 192 of the IT Act) based on the experience and educational qualification and overall suitability of the candidate for the posts as under:
Senior Consultant : Rs. 1,50,000/ (Including other Facilities)
Contract Period:
The PBCS will be appointed on contract basis initially for a period of one year which may be extended based on requirement of the project and performance or will be co-terminus with the project period.
How to Apply:
Interested candidates may apply online in the prescribed format within 15 days from 15 May 2021 to 29 May 2021 by clicking on the following links and filling the details therein:
General Information
• Only Shortlisted candidates will be called for the interview and may also be assessed for their proficiency in MS Office/ data management. Location for the interview will be indicated in the call letter. The candidates may kindly note that any cost incurred by them for attending the interview will not be reimbursed by NABCONS.
• The interview may be held in person or through virtual mode as may be required.
• The applicant may submit the declaration in the Google form with respect to the educational qualification and experience. Self-attested copies of educational qualifications and experience certificates to be compulsorily submitted at the time of the interview. Original documents would be required for verification.
Special Note
Last date for submission of online applications 29 May 2021
ICMR-National Institute of Virology Kerala Unit
SEWA Bharat
Foundation for Democratic Reforms (FDR)