Madhya Pradesh Public Health Services Corporation Limited (MPPHSCL) is a Public Company incorporated on March 06, 2014. It is classified as State Government Company and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Gwalior.
Its authorized share capital is Rs. 20,00,00,000 and its paid-up capital is Rs. 10,00,00,000. It is involved in Human health activities. One of the key objectives of the MPPHSCL is to act as the central procurement agency for all essential drugs and equipment for all public healthcare institutions under the department.
The company is procuring drugs worth more than Rs 400 crores and above 250 different types of medical equipment and also provides services needed for the health sector. T
he corporation has also been entrusted with the setting up and running of all kinds of modem Medical and Paramedical or medical based ancillary facilities such as hospitals, pathological labs, diagnostic centers, x-ray/scanning facilities. The Government of Madhya Pradesh formulated MPPHSCL to provide best in class healthcare infrastructure services to the over 1300 healthcare institutions under the Department of Health & Family Welfare, Madhya Pradesh State. MPPHSCL invites applications from eligible candidates for 24+ Contractual Vacancies.
Details of the vacant positions, number of posts, qualification, experience, age, and honoraria are given in the attatched file
Academy of Management Studies (AMS)