Position: Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Organization: Foundation for Development of Rural Value Chains (FDRVC.org)
Apply: https://fdrvc.org/get-involved/#PE_Openings
Responsibilities of Chief Executive Officer (CEO): CEO of the Sambandho MBPCL, would be positioned in PC Head Office in Sambalpur District and will be responsible for the followings:
▪ Overall turnover and profitability of the PE, in line with the business plan
▪ Efficient management of business operations, including production, quality checks, training and skill development, financial management, marketing of products and management of working capital
▪ Efficient management of the PC production and interventions operations
▪ Efficient management of the PC Financial operations
▪ Support for the functioning of the PC as per the Standard Operating Procedures (SoPs) which includes operations of production planning and centre, logistics and supply chain, finishing centre operations, quality control, sales, marketing etc.
▪ Support in development of products for public relations, corporate communication, image building and media relationships
▪ Mobilization of the cluster artisans to become members of the PC
▪ Thorough understanding of the policy environment for the promotion of PCs
▪ Business operations management skills like planning, review and implementation are extremely important
▪ Develop linkages with key players in the value chain, including market
▪ Knowledge of technical know-how to engage with a large variety of stakeholders like processors, Retailers, Corporate, traders, input suppliers, government officials, administrative officials, field staff and producers to create value for producers.
▪ Interested to work with rural communities, especially women, people from varying backgrounds, demographic characteristics and educational levels
Qualifications Required:
▪ Post-Graduation or Graduation or an equivalent degree in Business Management and other related fields
▪ Preferred 3-5 years of work experience in Craft business management with top-line and bottom-line responsibilities
▪ Experience in handling operations for 3-5 years in Craft production business/ Apparel production/skilling units etc.
Other: Fluency in English, Odiya and Hindi is required
Samaj Pragati Sahayog-Bagli