Position: RFP - Community Engagement in Urban Clusters
Organization: Amazon India
Amazon requests reputed non-profit organizations with demonstrated expertise in key themes to submit proposals for implementation.
Applying organizations must have the following:
1. Deep subject matter expertise in key themes and a demonstratable history of accomplishing tasks within a
stipulated time frame
2. Proven track record of excellence and path-breaking work in key themes
3. experience of anchoring long-term awareness generation engagements with urban local bodies, public
institutions, schools, civic awareness groups and citizen collectives
4. excellent stakeholder management skills that complement our intensions of being a good neighbor
5. mandatorily aspire to integrate employee engagement at scale into the project
6. strong background in CSR project implementation and sound legal and financial compliance documentation
7. Large regional or national presence (refer to Annexure I for information on clusters). High comfort of doing
direct work in cities important to us
Nature of the engagement:
The engagement will be an active Community-Government-CSR partnership model, neatly dovetailing
government mandates, community stakeholders needs and priorities of Amazon CSR. The engagement is
expected to continue for a period of about 3 years. It will be annually renewable and focus on major tier I and
tier II cities (refer to Annexure I for cities of focus). The engagement will be outcome focused and create a solid
social impact, clearly capturing impact data on a month & yearly manner. The engagement must maximize trust
among community members, drive participation of the right stakeholders and create a good engagement
experience for employees. The engagement will rely on agility of Pragati Mitr (one per city cluster) selected by
the NGO from local community (youth, women, and members from under represented cohorts).
Criteria for Selection
Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of:
• Timeliness & completeness of proposal submission (Please refer to Annexure III for submission checklist)
• Technical approach proposed for implementation
• Compliance track record (Please refer to Annexure II for compliance checklist & Annexure IV for Due Diligence template)
• Thematic Fit with road safety, environmental sustainability and citizen participation
• Demonstrated experience of the agency (attach examples of prior work done as per Annexure III)
• Profile of the leadership team (please enclose short biographies of key CXO & Directorial members & their
engagement with govt. bodies)
• Public validation of success of initiatives and media coverage (demonstrated through appreciation documents,
representation in govt. bodies, knowledge documents, acknowledgement in public forums and media
• Cost effectiveness of the proposal (Please refer to Annexure IV for template of Budget)
Access Livelihoods
SELCO Foundation