Position: Consultant
Organization: HCL Foundation
Location: Kachhauna, Hardoi
The word Anganwadi means “courtyard shelter” was introduced by Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) in the year 1975. ICDS aims to break the vicious cycle of malnutrition and to provide pre-school non formal education through network of centers called Anganwadi. These centers are a focal point for delivery ICDS services the rural level. Children in the age group of 0- 6 years, pregnant and lactating women are the beneficiaries of this program. At present, India has 13.62 lakhs operational Anganwadi centers out of 14 lakhs sanctioned, of which the state of Uttar Pradesh has 187997 operational centers.
Anganwadi worker is the most important functionary of the ICDS scheme. The Anganwadi workers are the community based frontline workers, who are supervised by Anganwadi supervisors and by CDPOs. Anganwadi Sahaikas/Helpers assist the workers in providing the services at Anganwadi Centers. The Anganwadi workers plays a crucial role in promoting child growth and development. She is also an agent of social change, mobilizing community support for better care of young children.
To children specially under 5 years of age good nutrition is crucial for their development and better long term health outcomes. With prime emphasis on this critical age, our project aims to reduce the prevalence of undernutrition and improve the nutritional status among under 5 children through strengthening of ICDS services.
Our aim to improve the quality and coverage of ICDS will be accomplished by following two objectives: 1. To build the capacity of project team at HCLF on the topics related to services that are part of Anganwadi centers and redevelop the team into master trainers. 2. To strengthen the Anganwadi centers and its functioning by focusing on training and capacity building of Anganwadi workers by the master trainers. 3. To strengthen the communication and leadership skills among the ICDS functionaries.
Training Participants:
3 batches of Samuday Team members- Each batch will have 20 participants.
Project Duration:
The project is expected to start from November 2021 and expected to end by March’22.
Qualifications & Experience
WRI India
Empower School of Health