Position: Krishi Star Fellowship
Organization: Krishi Star
Location: Maharastra
Apply: https://www.krishistar.com/
Course Structure
Your nine month bespoke program begins in August with a full induction and an analysis of your learning needs. Once on-board, you will get access to a large range of projects ranging from Market Research or Marketing Communications through to Business Strategy or Product Development. Following allocation of your mentor (choose from: Kellogg/IIM Alumni, 25 Year MNC Senior Manager & Executive coach, Social Entrepreneurs, 8 Year Indian textiles businessman) you will be given a ‘live’ assignment to get you rapidly inducted into the organisation as you take accountability for your deliverables. Once you have chosen your desired project, you will work to create the hypotheses and begin to plan along critical milestones. Market leading tools and cutting edge templates will be provided for your ease of reference and you will enjoy the creative freedom to begin your holistic journey with us.
Program Design
You will be based at our Head office in Mumbai and assigned a project based on your learning needs and personal development requirements. Your program will be a mix of high to mid priority project work, fieldwork (including market research/analysis), experiential learning and rapid prototyping, applying the latest thinking in this sector. A healthy mix of getting to know your stakeholders alongside an awareness of the problems they are facing will ensure that you gain valuable on-the-ground expertise in this area. As you begin to add new skills to your portfolio you will represent the Krishi Star brand values in all your external facing activities. Your desire for continual learning, sense of fun and authenticity will be observed through execution of your daily tasks and interactions. Small, direct, in-time feedback will coach you through the many challenges that you will face in this environment so that you emerge as a strong, proven and more aware leader.
Mentoring & Coaching
A mentor will be assigned to you based on your learning style and preference, someone who will be there throughout your journey to provide you with the benefit of their experience and support. That person who you can ask silly questions of or just sit on the beanbag and grab a coffee with, will be invaluable as you try out new ways of working and initiatives. Your own executive coach will hold your hand through the entire journey and help you to understand how your beliefs and values manifest themselves in your behaviours. You will gain valuable insights into what your ultimate purpose is in life and carve out a unique path that is right for you. Your specific goals will be addressed and your increased confidence and personal growth will be witnessed by all those around you.
You will have access to Krishi Stars’ extensive networks including top Business School Alumni/Professors, Celebrity Chefs/Restaurant owners, Government representatives, NGO Officials, Farmer groups and other Start-ups. You can attend seminars, conferences and exhibitions as per your program and represent Krishi Star at both back and front end interactions. The network you will create in the 9 months of your program will be invaluable in your desire to influence key leaders in this field. If you are looking to embark on an MBA course then this opportunity will provide you with the necessary pre work preparations.
Selection Process
Our unique selection process will ensure that you are a ‘best fit’ for the organisation and will give you an opportunity to see if you like us! Candidates should be between 22-26 years old (exceptions considered) and ideally have an undergraduate degree. You must have a great sense of humour and enjoy office banter with the ability to adapt to a variety of situations including: (but not exclusively) hitch-hiking on the back of a farmer truck; being hazed (ragging); drinking all sorts of weird stuff (milk straight from a cow, salted lassi or warm beer); speaking in front of 400 people in your first week, traveling for 14 hours standard class on a train, wearing traditional Hindi costume on Thursdays, etc. etc.
National level NGO