Position: Executive Trainee
Organization: KIOCL Limited
Location: Karnataka
Apply: https://www.kioclltd.in/user/cms/134
Education & Experience:
Graduate with full time MBA/MSW or Equivalent with HR/IR specialization from a recognized University/Management Institution
Minimum 75% for Gen, EWSand65% for SC, ST, OBC candidates of aggregate of all SemestersCGPA-7.9 for General, EWS and 6.8 for SC/ST & OBC candidates(Candidates obtained MBA/MSW or equivalent degree on correspondence/distance mode are not eligible to apply)
Selection Criteria:
•Selection for Interview will be through Written Test. Date,Time &Venue for Written Test will be intimated separately to the eligible candidates.Those who qualify in the written test will only be called for interview as per the Recruitment Policy / Rules of the Company
•Ratio of candidates to be considered / called for interviewis1:3as per the Recruitment Policy / Rules of the Company
XI.Candidates appearing for interview will be paid to & frorail / road fare by shortest route limited to II class rail fare on production of tickets/ receipts.
XII.Only on-line applications are accepted
•The candidates need to apply online in current opening section of KIOCL website (www.kioclltd.in) from02.07.2021to 25.07.2021.Candidate should click on online application link, read the instructions carefully and fill-in the online application form giving accurate information.
•No request with respect to change in any data entered by the candidate will be entertained once the application is submitted successfully. While applying online, candidate needs to upload the scanned copy of their recent passport size colour photograph and signature. In case candidate is called for interview, he/she will be required to produce his/her original certificate and otherrelevant documents as mentioned in on-line application form for verification.
•After applying on-line, the candidate is required to take the print out of filled on-line application form with system generated application number. Please note down your application number for the post applied, for future reference without fail.
•The downloaded application with self-attested photocopies of all the documents in support of the information given by the candidate in their on-line applicationsuch as age, qualification,reservation etc., along with Demand Draft (if applicable) should reach Joint General Manager(HR&A), HR Department, KIOCL Limited, Koramangala 2ndBlock, Sarjapura Road, Bengaluru-560034 on or before 30.07.2021 of the post applied for with discipline and system generated on-line application number on envelop while sending the hard copy of application. No manual/paper application will be entertained directly unless applied online.
•The application must reach the address as mentioned above along with self-attested copy of all the documents in support of their age, qualification etc. on or before 30.07.2021after closing date of submission of online application.
•It may be noted that a candidate’s application in soft copy will not be entertained and will be rejected summarily if the hard copy of the application form along with other requisite self-attested photocopies of the relevant documents arenot received on or before 30.07.2021.
•KIOCL is not responsible for any candidate for not being able to submit their online application within the last date on account of system error or for any other reasons. •KIOCL is not responsible for any loss of email/communication letter sent, due to invalid/wrong email id/wrong postal address/postal delays/loss in transit etc. No request in this regard will be entertained.
XVI.All future correspondence would be through E-mail ID, furnished by the applicant in the on-line application-form or by post as may be decided by KIOCL.
XVII.KIOCL reserves the right to cancel / restrict / enlarge/ modify the recruitment process, if need so arises, without assigning any reason.
XVIII.Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
XIX.Mere meeting the conditions of the advertisement by the candidate(s) will not automatically entail them to be called for Interview/Selection and appointment.
XX.Appearance of the short-listed candidates in the interview is provisional and it does not entitle them for any claim for the post. They will be treated as debarred ab-initio at any stage of the recruitment process in case they do not fulfill essential eligibility criteria
Appointment of selected candidate(s) is subject to satisfactory Medical Fitness as per the standards prescribed by KIOCL Limited at the time of joining the post.The Management based on shortcomings/physical defects noticed, if any, duringthe probationary period, if required, the candidate will be medically examined to ascertain his medical fitness before regularizing his service in the Company. Further, the appointment in the Company will be subject to verification of Caste, Character and Antecedents from the concerned Authorities as required for appointments in posts under Government of India.
XXII.The application is liable for rejection at any stage of recruitment process in case of suppression / furnishing of false information, without enclosing necessary documents & received after closing date for receipt of hard copy by post
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ICICI Lombard