Project Brief:
AEFI surveillance program was started in India in 1988 and the AEFI Surveillance Guidelines were first published in 2005. Establishment of an AEFI Secretariat with clear roles and responsibilities was proposed in 2008 to strengthen the current National AEFI Surveillance Program and support the Immunization Division, MoHFW as well as the National AEFI Committee on the various activities related to AEFI reporting, investigations, causality assessments including data management, monitoring, documentation, assessments, operational research and trainings. The AEFI Secretariat is embedded in Immunization Technical Support Unit (ITSU) at the John Snow India (JSI). The AEFI Secretariat will work closely with the National AEFI Committee and under supervision of ITSU AEFI leadership, with overall accountability to MOHFW. The Zonal AEFI Consultant will be the representative of the Immunization Division and AEFI Secretariat at zonal level to improve state level coordination and strengthen AEFI surveillance in the identified states.
Job Description / Responsibilities:
To assist in the implementation of the AEFI surveillance program in the identified states and work closely with the Team Lead- AEFI, AEFI Secretariat and drug regulators for the strategic management of vaccine pharmacovigilance activities, particularly related to AEFI surveillance program in the country, including:
Strengthening AEFI surveillance in states and improve vaccine safety:
• Assist states (and districts) assigned to the Zonal Consultant to strengthen early notification, reporting and investigation of AEFIs in standard formats.
• Provide regular feedback to states /districts on reported AEFI cases and performance of AEFI surveillance Programme.
• Follow-up with districts for pending documents, ensure preliminary screening followed by completion of documentation of reported cases from zone for quality causality assessment.
• Assist in setting up and implementing Quality Management Systems for AEFI surveillance activities in states and districts.
• Undertake field visits to states and districts for monitoring AEFI activities, coordinate investigation of serious AEFI of
special interest and provide feedback to the Immunization Division (MoHFW)/ Team Lead- AEFI.
• Provide support in identifying and coordinating with AEFI technical collaborating centers in states.
• Advocacy and coordination with professional associations (IAP, IMA, IAPSM, etc.) for participation of private sector in AEFI surveillance Programme.
• Supervise and coordinate work identified by AEFI Secretariat at state and district level including development and
implementation of analytical tools for AEFI, capacity building and other related activities.
• Assist in strategic planning and management of AEFI activities in states and districts including research and M&E for AEFI.
• Analyze AEFI data and identify action points/policy changes to minimize AEFI due to program errors.
• Implement capacity building activities for state AEFI committees (especially in causality assessment) and district immunization officers to undertake AEFI-related training sessions.
• Assist states/district in media management of AEFI case
• Coordinate media management workshops at zonal level for media persons and civil society organizations.
Coordination with National Regulatory Authority (NRA) for immunization Safety:
• Coordinate with drug regulators at national and state level to ensure immunization safety, assist in field investigation and follow up of AEFI cases including sample collection and coordinating with laboratories for analysis of the samples.
• Coordinate with proposed pharmacovigilance officers/associates at state and district levels and jointly review immunization safety data at states.
• Assist in preparing annual improvement plans for the different states in the zones.
Work closely with partners in the field and at the state level.
Required / Desired Qualifications:
Age limit:
Up to 45 years as on last date for receiving application and having sound health to undertake extensive field visits.
Between Rs. 90,000/- to Rs.1,50,000/- per month
AEFI Secretariat, ITSU, New Delhi.
Candidates are requested to fill the online application correctly which is available on the NHSRC website
Applications will be accepted in the prescribed online application format only.
The last date for receiving applications is 11-Jun-2021.